Website Hosting & Maintenance Plans
Our Monthly Hosting and Maintenance plans are designed for those business websites that are separate from our monthly plans. This includes websites that were built by another company, websites that are hosted on servers other than our web servers and websites that were built per page vs a monthly plan.
All the text, graphics and images for your website have to physically sit somewhere so that internet browsers can populate and display your website. This is what hosting provides. Think of it as a hard drive located in “the cloud.“ Hosting is included in our monthly website subscriptions. Monthly website subscriptions require the use of our server hosting.
Domain Name
A Domain name is one component of a website trifecta: the others being Hosting, Design & Development. Domain is optional. We can use a domain that you already own.
Content Updates
Things change. Phone numbers, addresses, events, promotions. Your website needs to reflect these changes. Our monthly subscriptions include updates.
Maintenance and Updates
Just like your smart phone and its apps require updates, so does your website its apps and plugins. Our monthly subscriptions include updates.
SEO Keyword Updates
Over time certain keywords will work better than others. Additionally, Google is constantly changing its search algorithm. As such, your website will need keyword SEO changes to keep ahead of the game.
Monthly Reports
You will receive weekly reports showing how many visitors visited your website. What pages they visited. How long they visited each page and more.
Up-Time Monitoring
We are notified immediately if your website does down. by being notified, we can response as fast as possible.
Backups & Security
Your website is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week worldwide. We back up our clients websites regularly as well as implement various layers of security.
Weekly Reports of Keyword Position
You will receive weekly reports showing what position your website ranks for each of your keywords on Google, Bing and Yahoo. You will also get reports for the number of back-links to your website, local listing results and more. Finally, we can even track YouTube videos and where they rank in search engines.
CloudFlare protects your websites from online threats and DDoS attacks, while making them twice as fast around the world. CloudFlare runs a globally distributed network. CloudFlare stops malicious web traffic, fights DDoS attacks and automatically caches and delivers content for faster load times.
SSL Certificate
Soon to become a requirement, an SSL encrypts your website. Simply having an SSL fosters trust and can increase search engine ranking on Google and other search engines
New Web Page Each Year
Additional pages allow you to create landing-pages for additional keywords. Landing pages means the new web page is coded for your new keyword and a specific call to action.

(every 12 Months)?
Plugin & Software Updates
(every 6 months)?
(every 6 months)?

(every 6 Months)?
Plugin & Software Updates
(every 3 months)?
(every 3 months)?
(every month)?

(every Month)?
Plugin & Software Updates
(every month)?
(every month)?
(when needed)?
(every 3 months)?
(Google Analytics)?
(Website down notification)?
(every month)?
(weekly up to 50 keywords)?
(Trust & Secure Transactions)?

(every Month)?
Plugin & Software Updates
(every month)?
(every month)?
(when needed)?
(every 3 months)?
(Google Analytics)?
(Website down notification)?
(every month)?
(weekly up to 50 keywords)?
(Trust & Secure Transactions)?
(On Google, Yahoo & Bing)?
(Twice as Fast | Protects Online Threats & DDoS Attacks)?
(every 12 months)?

(when needed)?
Plugin & Software Updates
(when needed)?
(every month)?
(when needed)?
(Google Analytics)?
(Website down notification)?
(when needed)?
(Trust & Secure Transactions)?
(every 12 months)?