Add Your Business to 8coupons
8coupons collects information from over 500 sources to bring consumers the best deals available in their neighborhood, including deals from restaurants, bars, salons, shops, and more. 8coupons serves as a platform for both local business owners and consumers: helping consumers discover local businesses and helping business owners market to local customers.
24 Hours
Help committed customers know you can serve them at any time of day.
Key Knowledge
Give consumers the knowledge they seek, including the name, address, and phone number of each of your locations.
Special Hours
Stay flexible. Let customers know if and when your schedule will be extended, shortened, or altered in any way.
Business Categories
Help consumers and intelligent services understand what you have to offer by associating yourself with the right categories for your business.
Pinpoint your coordinates so consumers know where to find you.
Split Hours
Let customers know the specific times of day (like lunchtime) when you’re closed for business.
Business Description
Leverage business descriptions to localize your brand, share its unique history, and attract more consumers.
Showcase your menu to let consumers know if you’re serving what they crave.
Staff Bios
Share employee biographies — highlighting their education, specializations, and more — to entice local customers.
Duplicate Suppression Technology
Suppress duplicate listings correctly, definitively, and according to each publisher’s best practices — so customers only see your authoritative digital knowledge.
Patented & Clickable Featured Message
Link to and showcase store specials, promotions, seasonal coupons, and more, with 3VS exclusive Featured Message.
Help consumers communicate with you by letting them know your Twitter handle.
Event Calendars
Drive more offline traffic by highlighting special store events and promotions with event calendars.
Payment Methods Accepted
Let customers know which payment methods you accept ahead of time, so they can come prepared.
Video Content
Bring your locations and specialties to life — at 24 frames per second.
Point consumers to where they can ‘Like’, comment, and post content about your business on Facebook.
Make your digital storefront vibrant by showcasing photos of your business.
Website URL
Drive more consumers to your webpages by providing a direct link to your website.
Holiday Hours
Let your customers know if and when you’ll be open during the holidays.
Product & Service Lists
Show your customers your unique offering and specialty with detailed product and services lists.
Year Established
Date yourself. Give consumers a sense of how established your business is.
Hours of Operation
Seize every micro-moment and make sure your customers know exactly when to find you.
Real-Time Updates
Stay in control of your critical business information by publishing updates in real time.
3VS Listings
Get found. Everywhere.
By having direct integrations across 150+ digital services globally, including Google, Amazon Alexa, Apple, Bing, Facebook, Yahoo, and Yelp, 3VS Listings puts you in control of the facts about your business — everywhere consumers are searching.